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Registration Is Here: Browse Our Curated Course List!

The following are Fall 2021 course offerings that deal with topics at the intersection of technology and culture, provide hands-on computational instruction, and/or give students the opportunity to consider the value of digi…

Introducing How We Work

Next month, the CDH kicks off How We Work, a new series for graduate students on the theme of work. How do you pursue “traditional” careers in a changing educational landscape? Is there anything truly “alte…

Is a spreadsheet a database?

Plenty of people use Google Sheets for data curation; what would it look like to use Google Sheets as a lightweight relational database? Read about experiment with this on the Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) proj…

Join Us for Douglass Day, February 13!

We are celebrating Frederick Douglass's chosen birthday with two events focusing on the relationship between education and activism. You are invited!
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